Trial Class
Group Discount Programme
Referral Programme
Foil Fox Comics has been created by BSF for kids between 3 and 8 years of age who are interested in fencing but are unable to train or practice during this lockdown period due to COVID 19. BSF wishes to bring a little fun to the little fencers - Simply For Fun.
Here is Chapter 1. You may download it here. Remember to try and make your own sound effects when doing the Flip-O-Rama.
Congrats to below Blazers who participated in “2022 UFCL”
U7 Men’s Epee
Champion - LIU Sung Ching Lenny
1st runner up - TAM CHI SEE Gordon
U7 Girl’s Epee
1st runner up - CHOW Hoi Man Alicia
U9 Men’s Epee
2nd runner up - WONG Tsz Chun
2nd runner up - WONG Yat Hei
5thAU-YOUNG Yiu Chun Marcus
7th MOK Wang Fai Taylor
U11 Women’s Epee
1st runner up - CHEUNG Yi Ka Michelle
U11 Men’s Epee
Champion - WONG Chun Lung
U7 Men’s Foil
1st runner up - AU Jo Yi Jensen
2nd runner up - YUN CHI HIN
U11 Men’s Foil
Champion - WONG Chun Lung
Well done and keep on
Congratulations Adrian Chan for winning Champion in Junior Men’s Epee event at the “Age Group Fencing Championships 2023”
Also well done to Tsui Man Ka for finishing at 6th in cadet Women’s Sabre
Bravo ! and keep on

Fruitful Year of Tiger
Year of Tiger soon came to an end and we witnessed our junior and young Blazers accomplishing impressive results over the past year!
In total, our Blazers finished the season with an incredible 87 Gold, 59 Silver, 79 Bronze medals, Top 8 finishing of 65 and we have a total of 6 fencers qualifying as Hong Kong’s Top 8 ranked fencer in their respective age groups. BSF is proud of everyone’s performances. Many thanks to our professional coach team for leading our Blazers to victory and the invaluable supports from all parents and helpers!
Our coach athletes also performed well in local and international event, clinching 4 Gold, 6 Bronze medals and Top 8 finishing of 2. With coach Ryan and Laren both ranked #3rd in Hong Kong Men’s Sabre and Women’s Sabre respectively, and Adrian ranked #2nd in Junior Men’s Epee.
Looking forward to their continued progress and enthusiasm for the sport and certainly what coming season will bring!
Check out the photos of our Blazers enjoying the prize presentation moment !
Happy New Year Everyone! Cheers to health, happiness, prosperity and more fencing in 2023 !
Congrats to below Blazers who participated in “Nike Youth Fencing Championship 2023”
U7 Mixed Boy's & Girl's Epee
1st runner up - WONG KWAN NGA ATHENA
U7 Girl's Epee
U9 Men’s Epee
2nd runner up - LAI YAT YIN KENDRIC
U9 Girl's Epee
2nd runner up - CHOW HOI MAN
U14 Boy's Sabre
1st runner up - AU CHEUK YI
Well done and keep on
Congrats to below Blazers who participated in “AFHK 2023Q1 Competition”
U7 Boy's Epee
Champion 冠軍 - TAM Chi See
U7 Mixed Epee
Champion 冠軍 - TAM Chi See
U8 Boy's Epee
Champion 冠軍 - LIU Lenny Sung Ching
1st runner up 亞軍 - TAM Chi See
U8 Mixed Epee
Champion 冠軍 - LIU Lenny Sung Ching
1st runner up 亞軍 - TAM Chi See
U9 Boy's Epee
1st runner up 亞軍 - LIU Lenny Sung Ching
2nd runner up 季軍 - TAM Chi See
6th LAW Shun Ting Shandon
U10 Boy's Epee
1st runner up 亞軍 - LIU Lenny Sung Ching
2nd runner up 季軍 - TAM Chi See
Well done and keep on

Congrats to below Blazers who participated in “兔年賀歲盃 ~ 盈動全港兒童劍擊錦標賽”
U-6 Women's Foil
2nd runner up 季軍 - Bella Cheng Yiu Chi
U-6 Men's Foil
6th Leung Wai Lok
U-8 Men's Foil
5th Kayden Wong
7th Hayward Lee
U-12 Men's Foil
5th Yau Cheuk Yuen
8th Match Poon Pak Ho
Well done and keep on
Congrats to Au Cheuk Yi Karsen for winning the third place in the boy's saber event in ISSFHK Fencing Competition 2023
Well done and keep on

Congrats to below Blazers who participated in “AFHK 2023 Q1 competition”
U5 Boys Foil
Champion 冠軍- Lun Pak Hei Triston
1st runner up 亞軍- Tang Tsz Lung
2nd runner up季軍- Tsang Tak Chun Cameron
U6 Boys Foil
Champion 冠軍- Ng Caspar
1st runner 亞軍- Poon Jaime
6th - Suen Liam
8th - Lun Pak Hei Triston
U6 Girls Foil
Champion 冠軍- Wong Ying Yi
U7 Boys Foil
2nd runner up季軍- Cheung Wang Shun
5th - Ng Caspar
U7 Girls Foil
2nd runner up- Lo Chin Yu Sofia
5th - Wong Ying Yi
Well done and keep on
Congrats to below Blazers who participated in “九龍城區體育會盃2022-2023全港小學劍擊錦標賽”
1st runner up 亞軍 - Cheung Yi Ka Michelle
Champion 冠軍 - Wong Kwan Ho Arthur
2nd runner up季軍 - Liu Sung Ching Lenny
2nd runner up季軍 - Lai Yat Yin Kendric
Champion 冠軍 - Chow Hoi Man Alicia
1st runner up 亞軍 - Lo Sze Ching Serena
2nd runner up季軍 - Chow Chun Long Quinson
8th Lo Ho Ting Jayden
1st runner 亞軍 - AU Jo Yi Jensen
Well done and keep on
We are glad to welcome sabrer from Fencing League to join our sabre sparring session.Looking forward to future collaborations.
Well done and keep on

Foil Fox X TQUK Toddler Fencing Programme
Graduate Certificate issued by TQUK has finally reached our Foil Fox Centre,
again to our Foil Fox fencers !
Well done and keep on
Congrats to below Blazers who participated in “AFHK 2023Q1 Competition”
U5 Boy Beginner’s Foil
Champion- Lun Pak Hei Triston
1st Runner Up- Tsang Tak Chun Cameron
U5 Girl Beginner’s Foil
Champion- Yang Tsz Ham Gloria
U5 Mixed Beginner’s Foil
Champion- Lun Pak Hei Triston
1st Runner up - Tsang Tak Chun Cameron
2nd Runner up - Tsang Tsz Lung
U6 Boy Beginner’s Foil
1st Runner up- Leung Wai Lok
U6 Mixed Beginner’s Foil
2nd Runner up- Leung Wai Lok
Well done and keep on
恭喜以下參與「PRIMO FENCING CHALLENGE 2023」獲獎培星劍手
U-9 Mixed Épée
Champion - Wong Kwan Ho Arthur
7th Wong Tsz Chun
Congrats to below Blazers who participated in “AFHK 2023Q1 Competition”
U7 Boy Beginner’s Foil
Champion - Lo Yat Nam Eldon
Well done and keep on

BSF is privileged to host Hong Kong Institute of Technology for a fencing workshop yesterday. All had a great time and look forward to their enthusiasm for the sport.

Thank you so much for participating in the 「allstar.Foil Fox Kids Fencing Invitational 2023 」and congrats to all winners.
Thanks to the referees, helpers, all coaches and parents of participants who kept the events running smoothly and finished on schedule.
Again, thanks to all involved for their participation !

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「allstar. Foil Fox Kids Fencing Invitational 2023」
U3 Mix
Champion- Tsang Tak Hon Anderson
1st runner up- Chan Yee Tsun Mason
U4 Boys
Champion - Choi Sek Yin Cesar
1st runner up- Wong Yuet Shun
2nd runner up- LI Ching Yan
2nd runner up- Chow Yik Yin Archie
5th- Leung Chi Wang Ted
7th- Lee Wang Shun
U5 Boys
Champion- Wu Siu Chan Kenson
2nd runner up- Tang Tsz Lung
5th - Chan Shun Yeung
6th- Chu Nathaniel
7th- Leung Shing Yi
U6 Boys
1st runner up- Chan Yik Ho
2 nd runner up- Tsang Tak Chun Cameron
2nd runner up- Leung Wai Lok
5th- Lun Pak Hei Triston
6th- Chiu Hoi Fan Kevin
U6 Girls
2nd runner up- Wu Yu Tung
Well done and keep on
We are proud to have a total of 4 Girls Epeeist ranked Top 8 in the Open Grade Girls Epee event at the 2023 Hong Kong Inter-Primary Schools Fencing Competition 「全港小學校際劍擊比賽 」held yesterday. Congrats to Jeanne Pang and Michelle Cheung for winning bronze in the event, also congrats to Lam Ching, Kwok Tsz Ying, Alicia Chow and Wendy Ng for finishing in 7th, 8th, 12th and 14th respectively. Also well done to Marcus Lau, Gareth Lin and Ma Ching Wang for finishing in 13th, 15th and 16th respectively among 240 fencers in the Open Grade Boys Epee event.
We are so proud of everyone’s performance and thanks to all coaches !

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「2023年大埔劍擊第二季個人花劍分齡賽」
U6 Boys
2nd runner up - Liam suen
U8 Boys
Champion - Josh Yun
2nd runner up - Hayward Lee
Well done and keep on
Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「2023 UFCL 1st Round Foil」
U6 Girls
1st runner up - CHENG Yiu Chi
U6 Boys
2 nd runner up- LEUNG Wai Lok
U8 Boys
Champion - AU Jo Yi
Well done and keep on
Both Chloe Yeung and Zita Wong performed well on their debut in the Grade A Girls Foil event at the 2023 Hong Kong Inter-Primary Schools Fencing Competition 「全港小學校際劍擊比賽 」held today with Chloe ranked in 10th and Zita finished in Top 16.
We are so proud of all Blazer’s performance and thanks to all coaches !

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「2023 i-Fencing Alliance Club Champion Series Competition 」
U5 Boys
Champion - LUN Pak Hei Triston
1st runner up - TANG Tsz Lung
U6 Boys
2nd runner up - NG CASPAR
5th - LEUNG Wai Lok
U6 Girls
2nd runner up - WONG YING YI Priscilla
2nd runner up - CHENG Yiu Chi Bella
U7 Girls
7th - LO Chin Yu Sofia
U8 Boys
U8 Boys
Champion - LAM Yan Chung Adrian
U8 Girls
Champion - CHOW Hoi Man Alicia
U9 Boys
2nd runner up - WONG Tsz Chun
U12 Boys
U14 Girls
Champion - SUEN Hoi Ching Malva
Well done and keep on
Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「FCHK CUP」
U-8 Men's Foil
Champion - AU JO YI
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to the fencing team of Ng Clan’s Association Tai Pak Memorial School ,represented by Joyce Fung, Xie Jinmin and Ruiyang Deng, for winning the Team Champion of P4 - P6 in the 「35th Anniversary 文燕盃 Fencing Invitational 」held by 「Helen Liang Memorial Secondary School (Shatin)」.
Joyce, Xie and Deng respectively winning Bronze at the P4 - 6 Girl’s Epee and Boy’s Epee event.

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「35週年校慶文燕盃劍擊邀請賽」
1st runner up - 鄭廉栢
2nd runner up - 黎卓樂
8th - 龍正皓
Champion - 孫愷澄
2nd runner up - 謝錦銘
2nd runner up - 鄧睿洋
6th - 楊栢
1st runner up - 張耳迦
2nd runner up - 彭梓嫣
2nd runner up - 馮逸燑

Our Blazers did a Great Job today. We have 2 sabre girl finished in Top 8 in the Open Grade Girls Sabre event at the 2023 Hong Kong Inter-Primary Schools Fencing Competition 「2023 全港小學校際劍擊比賽 」. Big Congrats to Raine Pang (P.3) for winning Bronze and Wong Ching finishing in the Top 8.
Also well done to Quinson Chow for finishing in Top 8 among 120 fencers in the Open Grade Boys Sabre event.
We are so proud of everyone’s performance and thanks to all coaches !
Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「2023‘’春苗秋實‘’青少年成長榮耀賽 ╴青少年擊劍公開賽 深圳」
U12 Girls Epee
Champion 冠軍 - Michelle Cheung
Well done and keep on
Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「繽紛復活節兒童花劍分齡賽2023」
U8 Men's Foil
Champion 冠軍 - CHUI Nok Hang
Well done and keep on
Congratulations to our Blazer, Quinson, for winning Champion in the Men’s Foil event at 「 “BE THE NEXT FENCING CHAMPION” TRAINING PROGRAMME」
Well done and keep on !
Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「CLASS C CERTIFICATION EVENT OF CHINA FENCING ASSOCIATION 1-3/05/2023 SHICHENG CUP FENCING」
U12 Girls Epee
2nd runner up - Michelle Cheung
Well done and keep on
Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「AFHK 2023Q2 Competition」
U5 Mixed Foil
1st Runner up - Tsang Tak Chun Cameron
2nd Runner up - Tang Tsz Lung
U5 Boys Foil
1st Runner up - Tsang Tak Chun Cameron
2nd Runner up - Tang Tsz Lung
U6 Boys Foil
Champion - Caspar Ng
5th - Chan Yik Ho
7th - Leung Wai Lok
U6 Girls Foil
2nd Runner up - Wong Ying Yi
U8 Mixed Foil
2nd Runner up - YUN Chi Hin josh
U9 Boys Foil
1st Runner up - YUN Chi Hin josh
Well done and keep on
Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「AFHK 2023Q2 Competition」
U7 Girls Foil
2nd runner up- Wong Ying Yi
U7 Boys Foil
5th - Ng Caspar
U8 Boys Epee
Champion 冠軍 - LIU Sung Ching Lenny
Well done and keep on
Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「Hong Kong Primary Schools Fencing Invitation Championships 2023」
Foil D grade Boys
2nd Runner up - Ethan Wong
5th - Hayward Lee
8th - Kayden Wong
Foil C grade Boys
6th - Jensen Au
Epee Open Grade Girls
Champion - Jeanne Pang
2nd Runner up - Joyce Feng
2nd Runner up - Kwok Tsz Ying
8th - Lam Ching
Epee Open Grade Boys
1st Runner up - Deng ruiyang
5th - Emil Wong
Sabre Open Grade Boys
2nd Runner up - Quinson Chow
Sabre Open Grade Girls
2nd Runner up - Raine Pang
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「AFHK 2023Q2 Competition」
U7 Boy's Epee
Champion 冠軍 - YIP Chi Fan
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「2022/23青苗劍擊訓練計劃(花劍、重劍及佩劍)第一期比賽」
Sabre Boys
Champion 冠軍 - Tyler AU
2nd runner up - Jamie Chu
2nd runner up - Sean Yue
Foil Girls
2nd runner up - Zita Wong
2nd runner up - Chloe Yeung
Well done and keep on

BRAVO You Are Star
Bravo ! Our Blazer , Gareth Lin has been awarded A.S Watson Group HK Students Sports Awards 2022-2023. Congratulations
Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「AFHK 2023Q2 Competition」
U5 Boys Beginner
Champion - Lun Pak Hei Triston
U5 Mixed Beginner
Champion - Lun Pak Hei Triston
U6 Mixed Beginner
2nd Runner Up - Leung Wai Lok
U6 Boys Beginner
5th Leung Wai Lok
U8 Boys Beginner
Champion - Chui Nok Hang
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「Foil Cycle 2023」
Mixed Foil Group 2014-2015
1st runner up - CHUI NOK HANG BRIAN
2nd Runner Up - ETHAN WONG
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「盈動青少年劍擊錦標賽2023」
U8 Men's Foil
1st runner up - JENSEN AU
U10 Women's Foil
U-12 Men's Saber
2nd runner up - TYLER AU
Well done and keep on

Big congrats to our Blazer, Karsen Au for finishing with Bronze at the Cadet Men’s Sabre event at today’s U20 Fencing Championships held by Hong Kong Fencing Association. Bravo and keep on! Thanks to our Sabre coach team!

Congrats to Laren Leung for winning Champion in the Women’s Sabre event and Ryan Chow for finishing with Bronze in Men’s Sabre event at LCSD Open Fencing Championships 2023 held today. Bravo

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「Zorro Cup - Elementary School Fencing Competition」
U-6 Mixed Foil
Champion - NG Caspar
2nd runner up - CHENG Yiu Chi
2nd runner up - SUEN Liam
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「AFHK 2023Q2 Competition」
U11 Boy Beginner's Epee
Champion - NG Pak Yin
Well done and keep on

Congrats to Laren Leung for finishing with Bronze in the Women’s Sabre Team event at 「2023 Asian Fencing Championships」 held in Wuxi China.

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「吳氏宗親總會泰伯紀念學校 - 2022-23 年度泰伯盃小學劍擊邀請賽」
Champion - Alicia Chow
Champion - Kendric Lai
Champion - Michelle Cheung
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「青協盃劍擊比賽」
U-12 Mixed Saber
Champion - CHOW Chun Long Quinson
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「雨天晴 x 德萃劍擊新秀杯」
U7 mixed foil
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「AFHK Q3 competition 」
U6 Boys Foil
2nd Runner Up- SUEN Liam
2nd Runner Up- LUN Pak Hei Triston
5th- CHAN Yik Ho
U6 Mixed Foil
1st Runner Up- SUEN Liam
5th- LUN Pak Hei Triston
6th- CHAN Yik Ho
Well done and keep on

Thank you so much for participating in the 「2023 BSF. allstar Hong Kong Minime Fencing Invitational」and congrats to all winners.
Thanks to the referees, helpers, all coaches and parents of participants who kept the events running smoothly and finished on schedule.
Special thanks to Coach Willi (the 2 times Olympic Sabre Medalist) of Falcon Fencing from Thailand; Coach Ryan (our Hong Kong Asian Game Sabre Team member just back from Hangzhou) and also to our special guest Mr. Keith Wu (Vice Chairman of Hong Kong and Japanese Food and Cuisine Association and Vice Chairman of Hong Kong Food and Beverage Industry Advisory Board ). It’s been our honour to have their presence to present the prize to the winners.
Also special thanks to AZZA Fencing of France (the innovative and 1st Eco-friendly fencing shoes in world) for sponsoring our Sabre events.
Again, thanks to all involved for their participation.
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「AFHK Q3 competition 」
U4 Girls Foil
Champion- Leung Lok Hei
U4 Boys Foil
Champion- Wong Yuet Shun
1st Runner Up- Ng Kepa
U4 Mixed Foil
Champion- Wong Yuet Shun
1st Runner Up- Ng Kepa
6th- Leung Lok Hei
U5 Girls Foil
2nd Runner Up- Leung Lok Hei
U5 Boys Foil
Champion- Lun Pak Hei
2nd Runner Up- Ng Kepa
2nd Runner Up- Wong Yuet Shun
U5 Mixed Foil
Champion- Lun Pak Hei
2nd Runner Up- Ng Kepa
5th- Wong Yuet Shun
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「亞洲劍擊新力量劍擊比賽-國慶盾 」
8th Lee Siu Hang
1st runner up- Lam Ho Yi
2nd runner up- Cheng Wing Yan
Well done and keep on

Congrats to Ryan Chow for finishing with Silver in the Men’s Sabre team event, Laren Leung with Bronze in the Women’s Sabre team event, Adrian Chan with Bronze in the Men’s Epee team event at the 「2023 U23 Asian Fencing Championships」 held in Almatu, Kazakhstan !

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「NOVUS Fencing 花劍劍擊比賽 」
U4 - U5 Beginner Foil
1st Runner Up - Chan Iassc
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「九龍城區體育會 國慶盃 2023全港小學劍擊邀請賽 」
Men's Epee
2nd runner up- WONG Yat Hei
8th- NG Pak Yin
Well done and keep on

Congrats to below well performed Blazers at the 2023 U14 Fencing Championships
Men’s Sabre 男佩
Wong Yu Hei Bronze
Karsen Au Ranked 8th
Tyler Au Ranked 12th
Women’s Sabre 女佩
Raine Pang Ranked 8th
Women’s Epee 女重
Malva Suen Ranked 5th
Jeanne Pang Ranked 11th
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「劍擊聯盟花劍國慶盃2023 」
U6 boys foil
2nd Runner Up - Suen Liam
Well done and keep on
Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「Primo Fencing Challenge 」
U4 Girls Foil
Champion- Wong Hei Ching Skylar
U4 Boys Foil
Champion- Choi Sek Yin Cesar
2nd Runner Up- Kepa Ng
U5 Boys Foil
Champion- Lun Pak Hei Triston
1st Runner Up- Wu Siu Chan
2nd Runner Up- Tang Tsz Lung
U6 Girls Foil
1st Runner Up- Wong Ying Yi
U6 Boys Foil
2nd Runner Up- Suen Liam
7th- Leung Wai Lok
U7 Boys Foil
1st Runner Up- Hector Chan
U7 Girls Foil
2nd Runner Up- Ho Fay Yin Sophie
U7 Boys Epee
Champion- Tam Chi See
U7 Girls Epee
1st Runner Up- Wong Kwan Nga
U8 Girls Epee
Champion- Chow Hoi Man
U9 Girls Epee
1st Runner up- Lo Sze Ching
U10 Girls Epee
1st Runner up- Lo Sze Ching
2nd Runner up- Vienna Ng
U10 Boys Epee
5th Wong Tsz Chun
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「2023 BSF ‧ allstar HONG KONG MINIME FENCING INVITATIONAL」
U6 Boys Foil
Champion - WAN James
1st runner up - NG Caspar
2nd Runner Up - SUEN Liam
5th - LEUNG Wai Lok
7th - CHAN Yik Ho
U6 Girls Foil
1st Runner Up - WONG Ying Yi
5th CHENG Yiu Chi
U7 Boys Foil
1st Runner up - HU Jingchun
2nd Runner up - LO Yat Nam Eldon
2nd Runner up - CHEUNG Wang Shun
U7 Girls Foil
5th - LO Chin Yu Sofia
6th - HO Fay Yin Sophie
U8 Boys Foil
6th - YUN Chi Hin
U8 Boys Epee
Champion - LIU Sung Ching
7th - TAM Chi See
U8 Girls Epee
Champion - CHOW Hoi Man
2nd Runner up - WONG Kwan Nga Athena
2nd Runner up - TANG Tsz Yui
5th - YEUNG Cheuk Ting Sarah
U10 Boys Epee
6th - LAI Yat Yin Kendric
7th - WONG Kwan Ho Arthur
U10 Girls Epee
1st runner up - LO Sze Ching
7th - NG Cheuk Ying Vienna
U12 Boys Epee
2nd Runner up - LIU Yat Long
6th - WONG Yuk Long
7th - LIN Hin Yu Gareth
8th- NG Pak Yin
U12 Girls Epee
Champion - PANG Tsz Yin
7th - TSUI Phyllis
U8 Boys Sabre
2nd Runner Up - LEE Kwok Ping Maximus
5th - LO Ho Ting Jayden
U10 Boys Sabre
5th NG Yan Lap Jonas
U10 Girls Sabre
Champion - PANG Tsz Wing
2nd runner up - HUNG Yu Tong Natalia
2nd runner up - POON Oi Yi
6th - TANG Yau Him
U12 Girls Sabre
Champion - PANG Tsz Wing
U12 Boys Sabre
Champion - CHOW Chun Long Quinson
8th CHU Jamie
U14 Boys Sabre
Champion - WONG Yu Hei
16+ Boys Epee
Champion - CHAN Adrian
2nd Runner Up - LAI Cheuk Lok
5th LAU Tsz Ho
6th CHUN Siu Fan
7th WONG Yuk Ki
8th KAM Hoi Hin
16+ Girls Epee
Champion - LAM Ho Yi
1st Runner Up - CHAN Hiu Tung
Well done and keep on

Ryan Chow, Laren Leung and Adrian Chan are off to Almatu, Kazakhstan for the 2023 U23 Asian Fencing Championships. All the best to them and our U23 Hong Kong Fencing Team !

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「AFHK Q3 Competition 」
U9 Girl Beginner's Sabre
1st Runner Up - TANG Yau Him
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「FCHK CUP 社區劍擊邀請賽」
U6 Boys Foil
1st Runner Up - SUEN Liam
5th - LEUNG Wai Lok
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「明日之星夏季花劍分齡賽2023」
U6 Girls Foil
Champion- Wong Ying Yi
U6 Boys Foil
1st Runner Up- Leung Wai Lok
U7 Girls Foil
1st Runner Up- Ho Fay Yin Sophie
U8 Boys Foil
Champion- Wong Pan Yin
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「2023 華僑華人暨林敬洋(LCY)國際擊劍邀請賽」
U8 Boys Epee (男重)
Lenny Liu 廖祟正 Champion
Gordon Tam 譚智思 Bronze
Yip Chi Fan 葉智薰 7th
U10 Boys Epee (男重)
Wong Yat Hei 王日熙 Champion
Arthur Wong 王鈞顥 8th
U10 Girls Epee (女重)
Serena Lo 羅思晴 6th
U12 Boys Epee (男重)
Arthur Wong 王鈞顥 Champion
Wong Yat Hei 王日熙 Silver
U12 Girls Epee (女重)
Jeanne Pang 彭梓嫣 Champion
Serena Lo 羅思晴 7th
U14 Girls Epee (女重)
Malva Suen 孫愷澄 Champion
Joyce Feng 馮逸燑 Bronze
Lam Ching 林晴 8th
U16 Girls Epee (女重)
Malva Suen 孫愷澄 Champion
U16 Boys Epee (男重)
Leo Lai 黎卓樂 5th
U8 Boys Foil (男花)
Jensen Au 歐祖懿 Bronze
Ethan Wong 黃品然 8th
U12 Girls Sabre (女佩)
Raine Pang 彭梓穎 Champion
U14 Boys Sabre (男佩)
Wong Yu Hei 王汝熙 Silver
Well done and keep on

The 「2023 華僑華人暨林敬洋(LCY)國際擊劍邀請賽」held in Jiangmen, China was a huge success for our young Blazers with many of our new athletes competing for the first time in mainland and there were certainly an inspiration to our little ones. We are incredibly proud of our Blazers, in total we finished with 12 Gold, 5 Silver, 3 Bronze across the U8, U10, U12, U14 and U16 age groups.
We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to our coaches and parents who lend their invaluable support through the event.
Also thanks to 江門市擊劍運動協會/ 薈萃門擊劍/林敬洋擊劍 for organising the event.
Well done, everyone.

Congrats to Laren Leung for finishing with Silver in the Women’s Sabre event at 2023 Challege Cup Fencing Championships.

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「GREATER BAY Cadet and Junior Fencing Open」
U-6 Men's Foil
1st runner up 亞軍 - NG CASPAR
U-6 Women's Foil
1st runner up 亞軍 - CHENG Yiu Chi
U-8 Men's Foil
2nd runner up 季軍 - AU Jo Yi
U-8 Men's Epee
1st runner up 亞軍 - TAM Chi See
2nd runner up 季軍 - LIU Sung Ching Lenny
8th LAM Yan Chung
U-8 Women's Epee
Champion 冠軍 - CHOW Hoi Man
U-10 Men's Epee
2nd runner up 季軍 - LAI Yat Yin Kendric
U-12 Women's Saber
5th WONG Ching
Well done and keep on

BSF Intensive Summer Day Camp - Epee
3 day 2 nights intensive day camp in Saigon for Epeeists concluded in the joy of sweating today, we look forward our Blazers to making better performance at coming tournaments.
Huge thanks to our coaches, all who participated and supported the event !

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「聯校香港兒童劍擊精英挑戰賽2023」
U5 girl plastic foil
2nd runner up- Chan Cara Hei Kiu
U5 boys plastic foil
1st runner up- Wong Hui Lam Jayden
2nd runner up- Lo Ho Lam Henrik
5th- Nathaniel Chu
6th- Chan Kwan Chak
U6 Girls Foil
Champion- Wong Ying Yi
U6 Boys Foil
2nd runner up- Liam Suen
2nd runner up- Leung Wai Lok
U6 Mixed Foil
2nd runner up- Lun Pak Hei Triston
U7 Girls Foil
7th- Wong Ying Yi
U7 Boys Foil
2nd runner up- Lo Yat Nam Eldon
Well done and keep on

Korea Training Camp
BSF x YFC @yfc_fencing_korea x Raffine Kim’s @raffine_fencingclub x Choi’s @choisfencingclub
Our Blazers were glad to meet fencers of Korea and they have been trained hard together and gain valuable experience and we look forward to them coming back stronger.
Thank you YFC, Raffine Kim’s and Choi’s for hosting us for the past week. We look forward for future collaborations with our Korea affiliates.

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「菁薈盃劍擊比賽」
U-6 Mixed Foil
Champion - SUEN Liam
U-7 Women's Foil
2nd Runner Up - HO Fay Yin Sophie
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「梭羅杯 小學劍擊分齡賽」
U-7 Mixed Epee
Champion - TAM Chi See Gordon
Well done and keep on

Congrats to Katie Tsui for finishing with Bronze in the Cadet Women’s Sabre event of the the 「Asia Cadet Circuit Hong Kong 2023」held by Hong Kong Fencing Association.

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「英匯盃兒童劍擊比賽」
U4 Mixed Plastic Foil
Champion- Choi Sek Yin
1st Runner Up- Ng Kepa
2nd Runner Up- Chow Yik Yin Archie
U5 Mixed Foil
1st Runner Up- Lun Pak Hei Triston
2nd Runner Up- Tang Tsz Lung
2nd Runner Up- Wu Siu Chan Kenson
U6 Mixed Foil
Champion- Leung Wai Lok
2nd Runner Up- Wong Chun Wang Torres
8th- Tam Chung Yin Ian
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「2023劍藝會聯賽第二站」
U7 男子重劍
Champion- Gordon Tam
U7 女子重劍
Champion- Bianca Tang
U8 男子重劍
Champion-Lenny Liu
U6 女子花劍
Champion-Cheng Yiu Chi Bella
6th- Chan Yik Ho Elvis
8th- Jamie Poon
Champion- Lo Chin Yu Sofia
U7 男子花劍
Champion- Cheung Wang Shun Hector
U8 混合花劍
5th- Yun Chi Hin
Well done and keep on

Great jobs to our Blazers who took part in the 「2023 Uhlmann Macau The 5th Expert Cup Youth Fencing Competition」
U5 男子花劍
Champion- Lun Pak Hei Triston
1st Runner Up- Tang Tsz Lung
2nd Runner Up- Tsang Tak Chun Cameron
U6 男子花劍
8th- Leung Wai Lok
U14 女子重劍
Champion- Suen Hoi Ching Malva
Well done and keep on

Blazing Star x Fencing League x Novus
We are so happy to welcome Saberur from Fencing League and Novus to join our free sparring session of our intensive day-camp.
Looking forward to future collaborations with FL and Novus.

Thanks for Primo’s invitation, some of our secondary school and senior epeeist had a great experience tonight.
Thank you Coach Sunny for arranging the exchange event and the support of our coach, we forward to meeting up again soon.

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「Allez Primary School Fencing Competition 2023-24」
P.1-2 Girl’s Foil (Division 2)
Champion - HO Fay Yin Sophie
P.1-2 Girl’s Foil
Champion - WONG Ying Yi
P1-2 Boy's Foil
2nd runner up - HU Jing Chun
P1-2 Boy's Foil (Division 2)
1st Runner Up - LO Yat Nam Eldon
P3-4 Boy's Foil
2nd runner up - WONG Pan Yin
P4-5 Girl’s Epee
1st Runner Up - CHOW Hoi Man
5th LO Sze Ching
P4-5 Boy’s Epee
Champion - WONG Yuk Long
P6 Boy’s Epee
8th NG Pak Yin
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「菁薈兒童劍擊分齡賽2023 」
U-6 Mixed Foil
🥉2nd runner up - CHAN Yik Ho
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「Inter School Individual Fencing Competition 2023-2024 」
HK - Boys Sabre C
HK - Girls Foil C
KLN - Girls Epee B
KLN - Boys Epee B
HK - Girls Epee B
HK - Boys Sabre B
KLN - Boys Epee A
HK - Girls Epee A
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「New Territories Inter Secondary School Fencing Competition
2023-2024 」
Boys Epee A
Boys Epee B
Boys Sabre C
1st Runner Up - WONG YU HEI
Well done and keep on

We are incredibly proud of our Blazer’s efforts and they won 3 champions in EFC Cup Fencing Competition 2023. Congratulations to Jensen, Alicia and Lenny for becoming champions of their age group ! Also Great jobs to Serena for winning bronze in U10 Epee event.
Champion - Jensen Au U8 Foil
Champion - Alicia Chow U8 Epee
Champion - Lenny Liu U8 Epee
2nd Runner Up - Serena Lo U10 Epee
Well done and keep on

Adrian Chan is off to Guangxi for the 1st Student (Youth) Games of the People’s Republic of China. All the best to him and our Hong Kong Fencing Team !

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「元朗少年劍擊賽 2023」
Boys Foil 7-8
1st Runner Up - Au Jo Yi
Girls Foil 11-12
6th - Yeung Tsz Yin Chloe
Well done and keep on

Congrats to Lee Shau Kee College for winning Silver at Boy’s Epee Team event in 「New Territories Inter-Secondary School Fencing Competition 2023-24」
Well done to Matthew, Smith, Leo, Benedict and Daniel and lovely skin hair look
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「大灣區高校擊劍精英賽」
Girls Epee
1st Runner Up - ADA
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「Life-wide Fencing Studio 2023 Fencing Championships」
U6 Foil
1st Runner Up- Cheng Yiu Chi
2nd Runner Up- Leung Wai Lok
6th- Yang Tsz Ham Gloria
7th- Lun Pak Hei Triston
Epee B
Champion - Lo Sze Ching Serena
1st Runner Up - Lai Yat Yin Kendric
Epee C
Champion - Liu Sung Ching Lenny
1st Runner Up - Chow Hoi Man Alicia
2nd Runner Up - Wong Kwan Nga Athena
5th - Tam Chi See Gordon
6th - Ip Man Shan
Mixed Epee
2nd Runner Up - Liu Sung Ching Lenny
2nd Runner Up - Chow Hoi Man Alicia
5th - Lo Sze Ching Serena
7th - Lai Yat Yin Kendric
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「AFC CUP Winter 2023」
U6 Girl's Foil
Champion - Cheng Yiu Chi
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「New Year Cup Union Fencing Club 28th Anniversary Cross-strait Fencing Open competition」
U8 Men Epee
2nd Runner Up- Tam Chi See
U12 Women Epee
Champion - Cheung Yi Ka
U6 Mixed Sabre
1st Runner Up - Wu Yu Tung
U8 Men's Sabre
2nd Runner Up - Lo Ho Ting Jayden
U10 Women's Sabre
2nd Runner Up - Tang Yau Him
U12 Men's Sabre
2nd Runner Up - Au Lok Yi
2nd Runner Up - Chu Jamie
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「Yau Tsim Mong Youth Fencing Championships」
U17 Boy’s Epee
2nd Runner Up - Cheng Lim Pak Matthew
U23 Women‘s Epee
1st Runner Up - Cheng Wing Yan
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「Christmas Fencing Challenge 2023」
U4組 膠劍
Champion - Lau Yuet Hei Naomi
U5組 膠劍
Champion - Fok Yik Hei
6th - Ng Siu Chu
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「i-Fencing Alliance Club Asia-Pacific Area Fencing Championships」
U10 Women’s Sabre
8th Hung Natalia
U8 Men’s Sabre
2nd Runner Up - Lee Maximus
U12 Women’s Epee
8th Cheung Yi Ka Michelle
U10 Men’s Epee
8th Wong Tsz Chun
U10 Women’s Epee
2nd Runner Up - Chow Hoi Man
6th Lo Sze Ching
U8 Men’s Epee
Champion - Liu Sung Ching
U8 Women’s Epee
Champion - Chow Hoi Man
5th Wong Kwan Nga Athena
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「AFHK 2023 Christmas Competition」
U4 Boy's Foil
Champion - Ng Kepa
U4 Girl's Foil
Champion - Wong Hei Ching Skylar
U4 Mixed Foil
Champion - Ng Kepa
1st Runner Up - Wong Hei Ching Skylar
U5 Boy's Foil
2nd Runner Up - Tang Tsz Lung
2nd Runner Up - Ng Kepa
U6 Boy's Foil
Champion - Leung Wai Lok
1st Runner Up - Wan James
2nd Runner Up - Chan Yik Ho
8th WONG Chun Wang Torres
U6 Boys Beginner Foil
2nd Runner Up- Wong Chun Wang Torres
U7 Girl's Foil
1st Runner Up - Ho Fay Yin Sophie
U7 Boy's Foil
2nd Runner Up - Wong Pak Hang
U7 Boys Beginner Foil
2nd Runner Up- Wong Pak Hang
U7 Mixed Foil
2nd Runner Up - Ho Fay Yin Sophie
U8 Girl's Foil
1st Runner Up - Ho Fay Yin Sophie
U7 Boy's Epee
Champion - Tam Chi See
U9 Boy's Sabre
2nd Runner Up - Yuen Lok Chung Jago
U9 Boys Beginner Sabre
1st Runner Up - Yuen Lok Chung Jago
Well done and keep on

Congrats to below winners of 「2023 BSF Yearly Award 」Keep on
P1-3 Foil
Annual Champion Jensen AU
Annual 1st Runner-up Ethan Wong
Annual 2nd runner up Bella Cheng
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「毅加劍撃邀請賽2023(重劍)」
U-7 Mixed Épée
Champion - WONG Kwan Nga Athena
U-8 Mixed Épée
Champion - LIU Sung Ching Lenny
U-10 Women's Epee
2nd Runner Up - LO Sze Ching Serena
U11 Women's Epee
2nd Runner Up - LO Sze Ching Serena
U11 Men's Epee
2nd Runner Up - LAM Tsz Shing Jason
U11 Women's Epee
Champion - PANG Tsz Yin
Open Women's Epee
Champion - LAM Ho Yi
1st Runner Up - LAM Hau Yan
2nd Runner Up - CHENG Wing Yan
Well done and keep on

Congrats to below winners of 「2023 BSF Yearly Award 」Keep on
P1-3 Epee
Annual Champion Kendric Lai
Annual 1st Runner-up Lenny Liu
Annual 2nd runner up Wong Yat Hei
P4-6 Epee
Annual Champion Gareth Lin
Annual 1st Runner-up Jeanne Pang
Annual 2nd runner up Wong Yat Hei
Open Epee
Annual Champion Smith Chun
Annual 1st Runner-up Matthew Cheng
Annual 2nd runner up Malva Suen
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「功樂劍擊邀請賽2023」
P3 Boys Foil
2nd Runner Up - Wong Pan Yin
p4 Boys Epee
2nd Runner Up - Wong Tsz Chun
2nd Runner Up - Wong Yat Hei
5th Lai Yat Yin Kendric
8th Mok Wang Fai Taylor
p5 Boys Epee
6th Wong Kwan Ho Arthur
Well done and keep on

Congrats to below award winners of SKH Tak Tin Lee Siu Keung Primary School fencing school team members who participated at 「2023 功樂劍擊邀請賽」
P5 Boys Foil
7th Wong Man Ching
P4 Boys Foil
1st Runner Up - Lai Hong Yin
P3 Boys Foil
2nd Runner Up - Wong Pan Yin
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「菁薈兒童花劍分齡賽2023」
U7 Women's Foil
1st Runner Up - Ho Fay Yin Sophie
u7 Men’s Foil
7th - Suen Liam
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「AFHK 2023Q4 Competition」
U7 Women's Foil
1st Runner Up - Ho Fay Yin Sophie
u7 Men’s Foil
7th - Suen Liam
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「2023 UFCL 4th Round」
Y2017 Mixed Foil
6th Wan James
y2016 Men's Foil
1st Runner Up - Hu Jingchun
y2016 Girl's Foil
2nd Runner Up - Ho Fay Yin
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「EAF's CUP Fencing Championships 2023 Season 2」
U5 Boys Foil
Champion - Lun Pak Hei Triston
1st Runner Up - Tang Tsz Lung
U6 Girls Foil
Champion - Cheng Yiu Chi
U6 Boys Foil
1st Runner Up - Chan Yik Ho
Well done and keep on

Great Jobs to Jeanne Pang for finishing with Bronze in the U14 Women’s Epee event at 2023 BEA x Blue Cross Hong Kong Open Fencing Championships. Bravo and keep on !

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「2023 UFCL 4th Round」
Y2017 Mixed Foil
6th WAN James
Y2016 Men's Foil
1st Runner Up - HU Jingchun
Y2016 Girl's Foil
2nd Runner Up - HO Fay Yin
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「EAF's CUP Fencing Championships 2023 Season 2」
U5 Boys Foil
Champion - Lun Pak Hei Triston
1st Runner Up - Tang Tsz Lung
U6 Girls Foil
Champion - Cheng Yiu Chi
U6 Boys Foil
1st Runner Up - Chan Yik Ho
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「YOT Fencing Competition 」
2nd Runner Up - Yeung Tsz Yin Chloe
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「劍擊聯盟 2024 佩劍大循環」
佩劍高小組(2012 - 2014)
2nd Runner Up - Jamie Chu
2nd Runner Up - Alan Ho
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「The Chinese Elite Cup 2024」
U-12 Men's Saber
2nd Runner Up - Lam Jedd
6th Yu Chung hin Jayden
U-14 Men's Saber
2nd Runner Up - Yue Chung Hei Sean
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「Novus Fencing U7 Boys Foil Fencing Competition」
U7 Boys Foil
1st Runner Up - James Wan
2nd Runner Up - Leung Wai Lok
5th - Liam Suen
8th - Chan Yik Ho
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「粵港澳小學生擊劍精英賽」
Champion - Liu Sung Ching Lenny
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「AFHK 2024 CNY Cup Competition」
U7 Girl's Sabre
Champion - Wu Yu Tung
U8 Girl's Sabre
2nd Runner Up - Wu Yu Tung
U8 Boy's Sabre
Champion - Lee Maximus
U9 Boy's Sabre
Champion - Lee Maximus
2nd Runner Up - Lo Ho Ting Jayden
U10 Boy's Sabre
Champion - Lee Maximus
1st Runner Up - Lo Ho Ting Jayden
U11 Boy's Sabre
1st Runner Up - TSUI Sze Yat
5th Tang Chun Yat
6th Lee Maximus
U12 Boy's Sabre
1st Runner Up - Ho Lap Hei
U13 Boy's Sabre
1st Runner Up - Zhang Wentao
U8 Girl's Epee
Champion - Wong Kwan Nga Athena
U9 Girl's Epee
1st Runner Up - Wong Kwan Nga Athena
U11 Boy's Epee
1st Runner Up - Wong Kwan Ho Arthur
Well done and keep on

Bravo ! Well done, Karsen

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「IYFF FENCING CLUB YOUTH CHAMPIONSHIP AND WINTER CAMP 2024」
U11 Girl's Epee
Champion - Ng Cheuk Ying Vienna
U11 Boy's Epee
1st Runner Up - Wong Tsz Chun
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「UFC League 2024 (1st round) 」
Age 10(2014) Mixed Epee
Champion - Chow Hoi Man
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「Novus Fencing U6 Mixed Foil」
U-6 Mixed Foil
2nd Runner Up - Wu Siu Chan Kenson
5th Tsang Tak Chun Cameron
6th Lun Pak Hei Triston
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「EFC Fencing Cup」
U8 Mixed foil - Champion
Champion - Ho Fay Yin Sophie
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「UFC CUP Epee」
Age 9(2015) Mixed Epee
1st Runner Up - Liu Sung Ching Lenny
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers Pang Tsz Yin & Lau Yin Ching Hazel assisted St. Paul's Convent School (Primary Section) for winning Champion in the Women’s Epee Team at the 「九龍城區體育會- 全港小學校際劍擊邀Congratulations to our Blazers Pang Tsz Yin & Lau Yin Ching Hazel assisted St. Paul's Convent School (Primary Section) for winning Champion in the Women’s Epee Team at the 「九龍城區體育會- 全港小學校際劍擊邀#azzafencing請賽2023-24」.
Bravo and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers Poon Oi Yi, Hung Yu Tung Natalia & Lo Tsun assisted ELCHK Faith Lutheran School for finishing with Bronze in the Women’s Sabre Team at the 「九龍城區體育會- 全港小學校際劍擊邀請賽2023-24」.
Bravo and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「九龍城區體育會 2023-2024全港小學校際劍擊邀請賽」
Women's Epee
Champion - Pang Tsz Yin
Women's Saber
Champion - Pang Tsz Wing
Men's Saber
1st Runner Up - Lam Shing Leuk Jedd
Men's Foil D grade
Champion - HU JING CHUN
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「UFC Cup Foil」
Age Group 7 Mixed Foil
7th Wan James
Age Group 8 Mixed Foil
2nd Runner Up - Lo Yat Nam Eldon
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「2023-2024粵港澳大灣區劍擊賽~培正盃」
U-10, U-12 Women's Saber
1st Runner Up - Poon Bella
2nd Runner Up - Natalia Hung
Women's Saber Team
Champion - Natalia Hung
1st Runner Up - Poon Bella
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「ISSFHK Championship 」
Boys Saber
1st Runner Up - Karsen Au
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「Novus Fencing U8 Boys Foil Fencing Competition」
U8 Boys Foil
2nd Runner Up- Lo Yat Nam Eldon
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「Winter EFC CUP」
U6 Boys Foil
Champion- Tsang Tak Chun Cameron
1st Runner Up- Lun Pak Hei Triston
2nd Runner Up- Tang Tsz Lung
U8 Boys Foil
1st Runner Up- Cheung Wang Shun
U8 Girls Foil
1st Runner Up- Ho Fay Yin Sophie
U8 Boys Epee
Champion - Tam Chi See Gordon
U10 Boys Epee
1st Runner Up - Tam Chi See Gordon

Congrats to below Blazers who participated in “Fencing Challenge@MegaBox 2022”
U5 Girls Foil
2nd runner up - WONG YING YI
U6 Boys Foil
U7 Boys Foil
Champion - AU JO YI
2nd runner up - YUN CHI HIN
U7 Girls Epee
Champion - CHOW HOI MAN
2nd runner up - ATHENA WONG
U7 Boys Epee
Champion - LIU Sung Ching Lenny
2nd runner up - LAM Yan Chung Adrian
U8 Boys Epee
1st runner up - AU YOUNG YIU CHUN MARCUS
U8 girls Epee
Champion - SERENA LO
U9 Boys Epee
U12 Girls Epee
2nd runner up - CHEUNG YI KA MICHELLE
U12 Boys Saber
Well done and keep on
Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「2024深圳市“風行杯“擊劍大獎賽」
U5 boys Foil
Champion - Kepa Ng
U6 boys Foil
5th - Lun Pak Hei Triston
Open Womens Epee
1st Runner Up - Ada cheng
Well done and keep on

BRAVO You Are Star
Bravo ! Our Blazer , Cheung Yi Ka Michelle has been awarded A.S Watson Group HK Students Sports Awards 2023-2024. Congratulations

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「Excel Fencing Fencing Competition」
U6 Boys Foil
2nd Runner Up - Tsang Tak Chun Cameron
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「EAF Mayday Fencing Championship」
U6 Boys' Foil
Champion - Lun Pak Hei Triston
1st runner up - Tang Tsz Lung
U8 Mixed Foil
Champion - Cheng Yiu Chi
U10 Boys' Foil
6th - Yun Chi Hin
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「Novus Fencing U6男女子花劍(Beginner)比賽」
U6 Mixed foil (Beginner)
5th - Chow Isco
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「石湖墟公立學校劍擊邀請賽」
U8 Women's Epee
1st runner up - Tang Tsz Yui
U-10 Men's Epee
Champion - Lenny Liu
1st runner up - Kendric Lai
U12 Women's Epee
2nd runner up - Chow Hoi Man Alicia
7th - Fung Muk Yan
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「AFHK 2024Q2 Fencing Competition」
U6 Girls Epee Beginner
Champion - Chan Ching Yau
U6 Girls Epee
1st Runner Up - Chan Ching Yau
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「粵港澳青少年劍擊挑戰賽2024」
U12 Boys' Epee
1st Runner Up - Jason Lam
8th - Ng Pak Yin Issac
U10 Boys' Foil
2nd Runner Up - Jensen Au
U12 Boys' Sabre
5th - Lam Shing Leuk Jedd
7th - Ho Lap Hei
U14 Girls' Foil
6th - Zita Wong
7th - Wong Hoi Ching Chloe
U14 Boys' Sabre
2nd runner up - Quinson Chow
2nd runner up - Ivan Wong
U16 17+ Girls' Epee
1st runner up - Joyce Feng
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「拓躍劍擊花劍比賽2024」
U6 Girls Foil
Champion - Yang Tsz Ham Gloria
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「2023/24青苗劍擊訓練計劃(花劍、重劍及佩劍)第一期比賽」
Girls Foil
1st Runner Up - Yeung Tsz Yin Chloe
2nd Runner Up - Zita Wong
Boys Foil
1st Runner Up - Jamie Chu
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「圓玄一中45周年校慶盃劍擊比賽」
Girls Epee(Primary school group)
2nd Runner Up - Lo Sze Ching Serena
Boys Epee(U14)
5th - Lin Hin Yu Gareth
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「Hong Kong Primary Schools Fencing Invitation Championships 2024」
Open Girls Sabre
2nd Runner Up - Pang Tsz Wing
8th - Poon Oi Yi
Open Girls Epee
Champion - Pang Tsz Yin
5th - Ng Cheuk Ying Vienna
6th - Chow Hoi Man
8th - Cheung Yi Ka Michelle
Open Boys Epee
2nd Runner Up - Wong Yat Hei
8th - Wong Kwan Ho Arthur
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「2024 Primo Fencing Epee Challenge」
U-8 Mixed Epee
Champion - Athena Wong
U-10 Boys Epee
5th - Lenny Liu
6th - Kendric Lai
U-10 Girls Epee
Champion - Alicia Chow
1st Runner Up - Serena Lo
U-12 Girls Epee
Champion - Pang Tsz Yin
U-12 Boys Epee
1st Runner Up - Arthur Wong
2nd Runner Up - Wong Yat Hei
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「HK Elite May Cup 2024」
U-8 Women's Foil
1st Runner Up - HO Fay Yin Sophie
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「Excel Fencing Fencing Competition」
U7 Boys Foil
1st Runner Up - Liam Suen
2nd Runner Up - leung Wai Lok
6th - Chan Yik Ho
U9 Boys Foil
2nd Runner Up - Hayward Lee
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「Novus男女子花劍(膠劍)比賽」
U4 Plastic Foil
1st Runner Up - Tsang Tak Hon Anderson
2nd Runner Up - Chan Yee Tsun Mason
U5 Plastic Foil
2nd Runner Up - Au King Him Humphrey
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「AF CUP - 劍擊公開賽(花劍)」
U9 Boys Foil
Champion - Au Jo Yi
2nd Runner Up - Wong Pan Yin
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「2024年龍崗區擊劍冠軍賽(第一站)」
U7 Boys Foil
Champion - Caspar Ng
U14 Girls Epee Team
Champion - Michelle Cheung
U14 Girls Epee
5th - Michelle Cheung
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「Leap Cup Primary School Fencing Competition」
U8 Mixed Foil
Champion - Eldon Lo
U9 Mixed Foil
Champion - Yun Chi Hin
2nd runner up - Kayden Wong
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「EFC Easter CUP」
U6 Foil Boys
Champion - Lun Pak Hei Triston
1st runner up - Cameron Tsang
2nd runner up - Tang Tsz Lung & Chow Isco
Open Men Epee
2nd runner up - Cheng Lim Pak Matthew
8th - Chun Siu Fan Smith
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「All Hong Kong Inter-Primary Schools Fencing Competition 2023-2024(Day 4)」
Women's Sabre (85 people)
1st Runner Up - Pang Tsz Wing
16th - Poon Oi Yi
19th - Tang Yau Him
27th - Hung Yu Tung Natalia
35th - Lo Tsun
38th - Tsai Ling Lung
Boy's Sabre(142 people)
5th - Ho Lap Hei
7th - Lam Shing Leuk Jedd
8th - Zhang Wentao
17th - Chu Jamie
29th - Wong Chun Hei Reynard
31th - Yue Chung Hin
Men's Group C Foil(369人)
50th - Wong Pan Yin
52th - Au Jo Yi
56th - Hu Jing Chun
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「拓躍劍擊兒童花劍比賽2024」
U-6 Mixed Foil
Champion - Tsang Cameron Tak Chun
1st Runner Up - Tang Tsz Lung
7th - Chow Isco
U-7 Men's Foil
7th - Chan Yik Ho
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「All Hong Kong Inter-Primary Schools Fencing Competition 2023-2024(Men's epee)」
Men's epee (227 People)
6th - Lam Tsz Shing Jason
24th - Wong Kwan Ho Arthur
34th - Lam Yan Chung
42th - Liu Sung Ching
43th - Sze Chun Hei Samuel
54th - Wong Yat Hei
56th - Lai Yat Yin Kendric
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「第二屆文燕盃劍擊邀請賽」
Girls Epee - Primary school
Champion - Cheung Yi Ka Michelle
2nd Runner Up - Chow Hoi Man
6th - Fung Muk Yan Abigail
7th - Leung Sum
Boys Epee - middle school
Champion - Lung Ching Ho
Girls Epee - middle school
2nd Runner Up - Joyce Feng
Girls Foil - middle school
1st Runner Up - Chloe Yeung
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「2024年4月1號復活節挑戰盃」
U4 Boys Plastic Foil
1st Runner Up - Chan Yee Tsun Mason
2nd Runner Up - Kwok Ka Chun Ethan
2nd Runner Up - Lui Pak To Jonathan
U5 Girls Foil
Champion - Lau Yuet Hei
U6 Boys Foil
Champion - Lun Pak Hei Triston
1st Runner Up - Tang Tsz Lung
U8 Girls Foil
1st Runner Up - Ho Fay Yin Sophie
U12 Mixed Epee
Champion - Lo Sze Ching Serena
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「AFHK 2024 Easter Cup Competition」
u5 Boy's Foil
2nd Runner Up- Choi Sek Yin Cesar
u6 Mixed Foil
Champion- Tsang Tak Chun Cameron
u8 Boy's Foil
2nd Runner Up- Wong Pak Hang
u6 Mixed Epee
8th- Fok Yik Hei
u14 Mixed Epee
1st Runner Up- Lin Gareth Hin Yu
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「2024 UFCL 1st Round」
U6 Men's Foil
5th- Chun Hau Yui
U8 Women's Foil
1st Runner Up - Ho Fay Yin Sophie
U9 Mixed Epee
Champion - Leung Sum
U10 Mixed Epee
2nd Runner Up - Mok Wang Fai Taylor
U11 Mixed Epee
Champion - Fung Muk Yan Abigail
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「2024劍樂會系列賽」
U5 Girls Foil
1st Runner Up - Leung Lok Hei
U6 Boys Foil
1st Runner Up - Lo Ho Lam
2nd Runner Up - Tang Tsz Lung
U8 boys Foil
Champion - Lo Yat Nam Eldon
1st Runner Up - Cheung Wang Shun
U8 Mixed Epee
Champion - TAM Chi See
U10 Boys Epee
1st Runner Up - Liu Sung Ching
2nd Runner Up - Lam Yan Chung
U12 Boys Epee
2nd Runner Up - Wong Tsz Chun
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「HK Elite Fencing Easter Cup」
U10 Mixed Epee
Champion - Lai Yat Yin Kendric
U12 Mixed Epee
2nd Runner Up - Wong Tsz Chun
U14 Mixed Epee
1st Runner Up - Wong Tsz Chun
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「2024擎天擊劍獎金公開賽」
U13+ Mixed Sabre
Champion - Chow Chun Long Quinson
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「All Hong Kong Inter-Primary Schools Fencing Competition 2023-2024」
Girls Epee
2nd Runner Up - Cheung Yi Ka Michelle
5th - Jeanne Pang
12th - Hazel Lau
14th - Phyllis Tsui
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「劍薈春季劍擊比賽2024(U6-U9)」
U6 Boys foil
2nd Runner Up - Tang Tsz Lung
5th - Lun Pak Hei
U7 Boys Foil
Champion - Caspar Ng
6th - Chan Yik Ho
U8 Girls Foil
5th - Ho Fay Yin
U9 Boy Foil
7th Wong Pan Yin
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「中國擊劍協會D級認證賽事2024年“愛擊劍”廣州公開賽」
U10 Girl's Epee
2nd Runner Up - Chow Hoi Man
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「劍擊聯盟 2024 兒童花劍賽」
U5 Boys Foil
Champion - Kepa Ng
1st Runner Up - Aiden Li
5th - Lam Yin Ting
U6 Mixed Foil
Champion - Tang Tsz Lung
2nd Runner Up - Lun Pak Hei Tristo
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「2024 UFCL 2nd Round」
U6 Mixed Foil
🥉2nd Runner Up - Chow Isco
U8 Women's Foil
🏆Champion - Ho Fay Yin Sophie
U9 Men's Foil
🥈1st Runner Up - Lee Cheuk Ho
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「Fencing Lab Summer Fencing Competition」
Mixed Foil U6
🏅6th Chow Isco
U7 Girls' Foil
🏆champion - Cheng Yiu Chi
U7 Boys' Foil
🥉2nd Runner Up - Suen Liam
🏅5th Leung Wai Lok
U8 Boys' Foil
🏅6th Cheung Wang Shun
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「AFHK 2024Q2 Fencing Competition」
U7 Boy's Foil
🥈 1st Runner Up - Chan Yik Ho
U8 Boy's Foil
🥉2nd Runner Up - Chan Yik Ho
Well done and keep on

Great job to Karsen Au for winning the 2nd runner-up in the Cadet Men’s Sabre event of the “Bank of China (Hong Kong) Junior Open Fencing Championships” held by Fencing Association of Hong Kong, China on 28th July 2024.
Congrats and keep on and Huge thanks to our coaches !

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「2024 龍騰榮耀"星辰杯"獎金賽」
U6 Boys Foil
🥈 1st Runner Up - Lun Pak Hei Triston
U6 Girls Foil
🥈 1st Runner Up - Yang Tsz Ham Gloria
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「2024 UFCL 2nd Round」
U8 Men's Epee
🥉2nd Runner Up - Ng Lai Hei
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「2024年 深圳龍崗萬達"常青滕杯"粵港澳擊劍公開賽(第一站)」
U6 Boys Foil
🏆Champion - Lun Pak Hei Triston
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「中國擊劍協會C級賽事 2024”祈祈杯”世承擊劍聯賽(第七站)」
U8 Mixed Epee (Women’s Epee)
U12Women’s Epee
🏅5th Cheung Yi Ka Michelle
U12Women’s Epee Team
U14Women’s Epee
🥉2nd Runner Up - Cheung Yi Ka Michelle
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our young Blazers at the 「SAMURAI CHALLENGE International Fencing Tournament 2024」held in Hakone, Japan.
Bravo and Keep on !
U8 Mixed Epee (Women’s Epee)
🏆champion - Wong Kwan Nga Athena
U10 Women's Epee
🏆champion - Chow Hoi Man
🥈 1st Runner Up - Lo Sze Ching
🥉2nd Runner Up - Wong Kwan Nga Athena
U10 Men's Epee
🏆champion - Wong Kwan Ho Arthur
🥉2nd Runner Up - Liu Sung Ching
🏅5th Mok Wang Fai Taylor
🏅6th Lam Yan Chung
U12 Women's Epee
🥈 1st Runner Up - Chow Hoi Man
🏅7th Lo Sze Ching
U12 Men's Epee
🥉2nd Runner Up - Wong Kwan Ho Arthur
🥉2nd Runner Up - Lam Yan Chung
🏅5th Liu Sung Ching
U12 Men's Sabre
🏆champion - Lam Shing Leuk Jedd
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「大坑關愛隊青少年劍擊回歸盃」
U14 Women's Epee
🥈 1st Runner Up - Cheung Yi Ka Michelle
U11 Men's Epee
🥉2nd Runner Up - Wong Tsz Chun
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「PBT Cup UFC Primary School Competition Foil」
Age Group 6
🥈 1st Runner Up - Lo Ho Lam Henrik
Age Group 8
🥈 1st Runner Up - Lo Yat Nam Eldon
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「全港分齡劍擊錦標賽2024」
U-9 Men's Foil
🏅6th Au Jo Yi
u-12 Women's Epee
🥉2nd Runner Up - Ng Cheuk Ying Vienna
🏅5th Cheung Yi Ka Michelle
u-10 Men's Epee
🥉2nd Runner Up - Wong Tsz Chun
🏅5th Liu Sung Ching
u-10 Women's Epee
🥉2nd Runner Up - Lo Sze Ching Serena
🏅8th Leung Sum
u-12 Men's Saber
🏅5th Wong Chun Hei Reynard
u-12 Women's Saber
🏅8th Lo Tsun
u-10 Women's Saber
🥉2nd Runner Up - Tang Yau Him
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「2024 KTSI Hong Kong Youth Fencing Open」
U13 Men's Saber
🥈 1st Runner Up - Lam Pak Yin
🏅5th - Lam Shing Leuk Jedd
U7 Mixed Saber
🥉2nd Runner Up - Wu Yu Tung
U11 Men's Epee
🏆champion - Wong Kwan Ho Arthur
🏅7th - Wong Tsz Chun
U11 Women's Epee
🏅5th - Ng Cheuk Ying Vienna
U9 Men's Epee
🏆champion - Liu Sung Ching Lenny
🥉2nd Runner Up - Ip Man Shan
U9 Women's Epee
🏆champion - Wong Kwan Nga Athena
U-13 Men's Epee
🥉2nd Runner Up - Lin Hin Yu Gareth
🏅5th - Wong Yuk Long
U13 Women's Epee
🥉2nd Runner Up - Tsui Phyllis
Well done and keep on

The 「2nd BOC Youth Development Programme Primary School Fencing Competition」 have wrapped up and we are incredibly proud of our Blazers who have won accolades not only for themselves but also their respective schools.
In total, we finished with 12 Gold, 12 Silver, 21 Bronze. We are looking forward to see their better performance in 2nd half of 2024! We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to our coaches and parents who lend their invaluable support through the event.
Congrats and keep on!
🥈 1st Runner Up - Chen Sze Tung 陳思彤
🏆 Champion - Wong Chun Hei 黃晉晞
🥉 2nd Runner Up - Chu Jamie 朱葦航
🏆 Champion - Ho Lap Hei 何立熙
🥉 2nd Runner Up - Zhang Wentao 張文濤
🥉 2nd Runner Up - Jason lam 林梓盛
🥉 2nd Runner Up - Lam O Tin Skye 林傲天
🥉 2nd Runner Up - Jayden lam 林榮俊
🏆 Champion - Lam Shing Leuk 林丞略
🥈 1st Runner Up - Wong Kwan Ho Arthur 王鈞顥
🏆 Champion - Wong Tsz Chun 黃梓浚
🥉 2nd Runner Up - Lenny Liu 廖崇正
🏆 Champion - Priscilla Wong 黃映貽
🥉 2nd Runner Up - Cassie Tam 譚爾晴
🥉 2nd Runner Up - Choy Ka Huen蔡加萱
🥉 2nd Runner Up - So Yin Lok 蘇彥諾
🥉 2nd Runner Up - Alan Ho何晨華
🏆 Champion - Eric Po 蒲荣樟
🥉 2nd Runner Up - Wu Lok Him 胡樂謙
🏆 Champion - Wong Yat Hei 王日熙
🥈 1st Runner Up - Kaden Ko 高進樂
🥉 2nd Runner Up - Lee Kai Ying李愷盈
🥉 2nd Runner Up - Lau Yin Ching Hazel 劉彥澄
🥉 2nd Runner Up - Pang Tsz Yin 彭梓嫣
🥈 1st Runner Up - Cheung Yi Ka Michelle 張耳迦
🥉 2nd Runner Up - Tsui Phyllis 徐傲悠
🥉 2nd Runner Up - Fung Muk Yan Abigail 馮沐恩
🥈 1st Runner Up - Lai Hong Yin 黎劻諺
🥉 2nd Runner Up - Ethan Wong 黃品然
🏆 Champion - Chow Hoi Man 周愷敏
🥈 1st Runner Up - Lo Sze Ching 羅思晴
🥉 2nd Runner Up - Au Jensen 歐祖懿
🥈 1st Runner Up - Leung Sum 梁琛
🥉 2nd Runner Up - Ng Cheuk Ying Vienna 伍綽瀅
🏆 Champion - Pang Tsz Wing 彭梓穎
🏆 Champion - Poon Oi Yi 潘愛兒
🥈 1st Runner Up - Hung Yu Tung Natalia 洪語彤
🥉 2nd Runner Up - Tan Chen Yao譚茞遙
🥈 1st Runner Up - Tang Yau Him 唐柔謙
🏆 Champion – He Jie Lun 何杰倫
🥈 1st Runner Up - So Wing Chun 蘇煒峻
🥉 2nd Runner Up - Chong Yim Kwok 莊嚴國
九龍區男子重劍團體 第三名
九龍區男子花劍團體 第三名
新界區女子重劍團體 第三名

Big Congrats to fencing team of Ng Clan’s Association Tai Pak Memorial School for their incredibly performance and swept all medals in the Men’s and Women’s Epee individual event at the「2nd BOC Youth Development Programme Fencing Competition」.
Congrats and keep on !

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in「2024年廈門青少年擊劍公共賽」
U16 Women epee
🥉2nd Runner Up - Malva Suen
Open Women Epee
🏅8th - Malva Suen
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in「2024兒童劍擊回歸杯挑戰賽」
U5 Boys Foil
🥈1st Runner Up - Ng Kepa
🥉2nd Runner Up - Lam Yin Ting
U5 Boys Plastic Foil
🏆 Champion - Au King Him
U6 Boys Foil
🥉 2nd Runner Up - Chow Isco
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in「2024 青少年回歸盃劍擊比賽」
U-6 Mixed Foil
🏆Champion - Lun Pak Hei Triston
🥉 2nd Runner Up - Chow Isco
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in「2024 青少年回歸盃劍擊比賽」
U-10 Mixed Epee
Champion - Arthur Wong
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in「La Salle Primary School Fencing Competition」
U9-11 Foil
Champion - Kayden Wong
U7 Foil
1st Runner Up - Leung Wai Lok
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in「I-Fencing Challenge Cup 2024」
U10 Boys Epee
champion - Lenny Liu
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in「Fencing Master Master Star Fencing Competition Q2」
U7 mixed foil
champion - Suen Liam
1st Runner Up - Chan Yik Ho Elvis
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in「劍藝會飛躍盃 小學學界分齡賽(重劍組)」
U7-9 Mixed Epee
champion - Manson Yip
Well done and keep on

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「Master Star Fencing Competition」
U5 Plastic Foil
Champion - Au King Him
Congrats and keep up !

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「香港長幼共融劍擊邀請賽」
U8 Women's Épée
Champion - Wong Kwan Nga Athena
U10 Men's Épée
Champion - Liu Sung Ching
U10 Women's Épée
Champion - Lo Sze Ching
1st Runner Up - Chow Hoi Man
U10 Men's Foil
Champion - Au Jo Yi
U12+U14 Mixed Sabre
Champion - Wong Chun Hei Reynard
U12 Men's Épée
2nd Runner Up - Lam Tsz Shing Jason
Open Mixed Épée
2nd Runner Up - Liu Sung Ching / Joe Kong
Congrats and keep up !

Great jobs to Malva Suen for finishing in Top 8 in the Women’s Epee event at the 「2024 Asian Cadet Cup - Taipei」
Congrats and keep up !

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「香港地區兒童青少年劍擊精英挑戰賽」
U6 Men's Foil
5th Chow Isco
U7 Men's Foil
1st Runner Up - Suen Liam
6th Chan Yik Ho
U8 Men's Épée
Champion - Tam Chi See
U9 Men's Épée
1st Runner Up - Ip Man Shan
U9 Women's Épée
Champion - Chow Hoi Man
U10 Women's Épée
1st Runner Up - Lo Sze Ching
Congrats and keep up !

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「2024 “春苗秋實” 首屆粵港澳青少年擊劍俱樂部聯賽(澳門站)」
U6 Mixed Foil
1st Runner Up - Lun Pak Hei Triston
2nd Runner Up - Tang Tsz Lung
Congrats and keep up !

「Asian Children Fencing Championships 2024 (Hong Kong)」have wrapped up. The event (organised by Fencing Confederation of Asia and HKFA) last for 4 consecutive days and offers HK fencers an opportunity to fence at homeland with fellow fencers from around Asia.
Huge Congratulations to our medalists and to those who reached Top 8. We are proud of our Blazers, they showcased remarkable improvements from over the past year. Keep working hard
Cat A Girl's Epee
Champion - Chow Hoi Man
Cat B Girl's Epee
Champion - Pang Tsz Yin
1st Runner Up - Chow Hoi Man
7th Cheung Yi Ka Michelle
Cat A Boy's Epee
2nd Runner Up - Wong Kwan Ho Arthur
2nd Runner Up - Wong Tsz Chun
Cat B Girl's Saber
6th Pang Tsz Wing
Cat B Boy's Saber
2nd Runner Up - Wong Chun Hei Reynard
Cat C Boy's Saber
1st Runner Up - Wong Yu Hei
5th Au Lok Yi
Cat A Boy's Foil
7th Au Jo Yi

「Hong Kong. In. Brand Greater Bay」series activities 「Guangzhou BrandFest 」-
Hong Kong Brand Development Council
The 「Guangzhou BrandFest 」is held on 23 - 25 August at Wanda Plaza, Panyu, Guangzhou. Selected Hong Kong Brands have been invited to present a variety of innovative and interactive activities to deliver unique consumer experiences in an attempt to showcase the diversity and lifestyle orientation of Hong Kong Brands.
Blazing Star Fencing is honoured to take part in the stage performances and consumer engagement programmes. Thanks to the invitation of Hong Kong Brand Development Council and also thanks to Coach Ewen and Terence for their full support.

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「2024 I-Fencing Champion Series 2」
U5 Mixed Foil
2nd Runner Up - Choi Sek Yin Cesar
5th - Ng Kepa
7th - Lam Yin Ting
U6 Mixed Foil
1st Runner Up - Lun Pak Hei Triston
2nd Runner Up - Chow Isco
7th - Lo Ho Lam Henrik
8th - Tang Tsz Lung
U7 Mixed Foil
1st Runner Up - Leung Wai Lok
U8 Men's Foil
1st Runner Up - Lo Yat Nam Eldon
U8 Women's Foil
2nd Runner Up - Ho Fay Yin Sophie
U9 Men's Foil
1st Runner Up - Yun Chi Hin
U8 Mixed Epee
Champion - Tam Chi See
U12 Men's Epee
2nd Runner Up - Wong Yat Hei
2nd Runner Up - Wong Tsz Chun
U14 Mixed Saber
Champion - Wong Yu Hei
Congrats and keep up !

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「allstar Cup Open 2024」
U6 Boy's Foil
Champion - Lun Pak Hei Triston
2nd Runner Up - Tang Tsz Lung
U8 Mixed Epee
Champion - Tam Chi See
U12 Girl's Epee
2nd Runner Up - Ng Cheuk Ying Vienna
Congrats and keep up !

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「AFHK 2024 National Cup Competition」
U5 Boy's Foil
1st Runner Up- Au King Him
Congrats and keep up !

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「2024年大埔劍擊第三季個人重劍分齡賽」
U10 Boy's Epee
champion - Manson Ip
Congrats and keep up !

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「2024 BSF‧allstar HONG KONG MINIME FENCING INVITATIONAL」
U6 Boys Foil
1st Runner Up - Tsang Tak Chun Cameron
7th - Lo Ho Lam Henrik
U6 Girls Foil
2nd Runner Up - Yang Tsz Ham Gloria
5th - Wong Hei Ching Skylar
U7 Boys Foil
2nd Runner Up - Suen Liam
5th - Leung Wai Lok
U7 Girls Foil
Champion - Cheng Yiu Chi Bella
2nd Runner Up - Wong Ying Yi
U8 Girls Foil
Champion - Ho Fay Yin Sophie
2nd Runner Up - Cheng Yiu Chi Bella
5th - Lo Chin Yu Sofia
U10 Boys Foil
2nd Runner Up - Au Jo Yi
U8 Girls Epee
2nd Runner Up - Wong Kwan Nga Athena
U8 Boys Epee
Champion - Tam Chi See Gordon
6th - Lee Chun Lam
7th - Yip Chi Fan Geoffrey
U10 Boys Epee
1st Runner Up - Lam Yan Chung
2nd Runner Up - Wong Kwan Ho Arthur
6th - Lai Yat Yin Kendric
U10 Girls Epee
1st Runner Up - Chow Hoi Man Alicia
2nd Runner Up - Lo Sze Ching
U12 Boys Epee
6th - Ng Pak Yin Isaac
U12 Girls Epee
Champion - Pang Tsz Yin Jeanne
2nd Runner Up - Cheung Yi Ka Michelle
13+ Boys Epee
1st Runner Up - Wong Yuk Ki Cyrus
2nd Runner Up - Lin Hin Yu Gareth
U8 Boys Sabre
2nd Runner Up - Lee Kwok Ping Maximus
8th - Cheung Zi Ngai Colin
U8 Girls Sabre
1st Runner Up - Wu Yu Tung
U10 Boys Sabre
5th - Yuen Lok Chung Jago
U10 Girls Sabre
Champion - Tang Yau Him
U12 Boys Sabre
Champion - Wong Chun Hei Reynard
2nd Runner Up - Po Wing Cheung
2nd Runner Up - Ho Lap Hei
7th - Lam Shing Leuk Jedd
U12 Girls Sabre
Champion - Pang Tsz Wing
U14 Boys Sabre
Champion - Wong Yu Hei
1st Runner Up - Au Lok Yi
2nd Runnner Up - Lam Pak Yin
5th - Wong Long Hin
7th - Zhang Wen Tao
8th - Yue Chung Hei
Congrats and keep up !

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「2024賽季VCL深圳第三站」
U6 Boys Foil
2nd Runner Up - Tang Tsz Lung
7th - Lun Pak Hei Triston
Congrats and keep up !

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「AFHK 2024 National Cup Competition」
U8 Girl's Foil
champion - Ho Fay Yin Sophie
U9 Girl's Foil
2nd Runner Up - Ho Fay Yin Sophie
Congrats and keep up !

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「拓躍劍擊團隊賽2024」
U-6 Team Mixed Foil
Champion - Blazing Star U6
U-8 Team Mixed Foil
Champion - 閃爍花精靈
Congrats and keep up !

Kudos to all our Blazers who competed in the U14 Fencing Championship this weekend ! Huge congratulations to Jeanne Pang for winning Silver at the U14 Women’s Epee and to Wong Yu Hei for winning Bronze at the U14 Men’s Sabre event.
Great Jobs to below Blazers and keep on
U14 Women’s Epee
Jeanne Pang Silver
Michelle Cheung 14th
Phyllis Tsui T32
U14 Men’s Epee
Gareth Lin T32
U14 Men’s Sabre
Wong Yu Hei Bronze
Tyler Au 12th
Reynard Wong ,Jedd Lam, Quinson Chow T32
U14 Women’s Sabre
Raine Pang 9th

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「深水埗區劍擊比賽2024 - 隊際賽」
U-6 Team Men's Foil
1st Runner Up - 隨緣佛
2nd Runner Up - HKAI
U-9 Team Men's Foil
Champion - Super 4
2nd Runner Up - Fantastic 4
U-10 Team Men's Epee
1st Runner Up - 無名劍客
2nd Runner Up - 交流團
U-10 Team Women's Epee
1st Runner Up - ACES
U-12 Team Women's Epee
Champion - Nike of Samothrace
1st Runner Up - Slayyyyyyyy
U-14 Team Men's Saber
Champion - 豆豆
1st Runner Up - Blazing Star Team
Congrats and keep up !

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「九龍城區體育會<國慶盃2024>」
U8 Women's Foil
Ho Fay Yin Sophie
1st Runner Up - Ho Fay Yin Sophie
11th Lo Chin Yu Sofia
13th Cheng Yiu Chi
U9 Men's Foil
1st Runner Up - Yun Chi Hin
U10 Women's Epee
Champion - Chow Hoi Man
2nd Runner Up - Lo Sze Ching Serena
11th Leung Sum
U10 Men's Epee
2nd Runner Up - Wong Kwan Ho Arthur
7th Lai Yat Yin Kendric
8th Liu Sung Ching
9th Wong Tsz Chun
16th Lam Yan Chung
U12 Women's Epee
11th Tsui Phyllis
U12 Men's Epee
15th Wong Yat Hei
U10 Women's Saber
7th - Tang Yau Him
U12 Men's Saber
15th - Chu Jamie
U-12 Women's Saber
10th - Lo Tsun
Congrats and keep up !

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「2024深圳市“風行杯“擊劍大獎賽」
U10 boys Epee
2nd Runner Up - Adrian Lam
2nd Runner Up - Lai Yat Yin Kendric
Open Mens Epee
1st Runner Up - Marco Sir
6th Jack Lee
Congrats and keep up !

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「2024 世承杯 擊劍精英選拔賽(第二站)」
U14 Girls Epee
champion - Cheung Yi Ka Michelle
U12 Girls Epee
6th Cheung Yi Ka Michelle
Congrats and keep up !

Congratulations to our Blazers who took part in 「林大輝中學全港小學劍擊邀請賽2025」
Boys Epee
7th Wong Yuk Long
Boys Sabre
2nd Runner Up - Wu Lok Him Hayden
6th Ho Lap Hei
Girls Sabre
8th Tang Yau Him
Congrats and keep up !